Monday, April 29, 2013

2013_04_29 Monday

Elise's #3 doctor's visit went considerably better than the lead test visit. Because the offices are in the same building, she did get very concerned as we parked, saying "I don't want to see the nurse again or get pinched." Luckily, there were no shots required today. whew. But, it does seem that she has seasonal allergies, so we're trying an OTC for that too. She was a bit more stubborn than usual, not wanting to get on the scale for the doc (although she did for the nurse) and not wanting to draw circles for her or even chat too much.

Then, at Target, she recited 1/2 of my phone number! geez, this kid is quick. As we were parking, she got very excited because she saw Opa coming out of Whole Foods. Salt and pepper guy wearing a flannel shirt and glasses. sounds about right. Boy was she disappointed when it wasn't him.

Pix from yesterday to follow after I get some work done. I've said goodbye to my former intern/boss today. How bittersweet that was. He's on to bigger and better, but I will sure miss working for him. 

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Stubborn? I think there's a gene for that.