Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2013_05_07 Tuesday

It is with mixed feelings that I tell you that it IS really happening: we are moving to Atlanta. Dave has been flying down there every other week for nearly 3 years, and everyone (he, we, and the company) is just done with that. It was a very difficult decision to make, especially going so far from Oma and Opa. We do have an annual travel budget from the company (!!), so that makes the distance more tolerable. School down there starts on August 7, so we have to move very quickly. My head is spinning with all that needs to get done. Our house will likely be on the market in the next 2 weeks. We've already met with stagers and are putting their plans into action quickly (Our heinously ugly louvered windows are all gone!). I meet with a mover/storage on Wednesday. We will finish off the school year here (one of Jonathan's main concerns was if he'd finish Kindergarten (at all) and whether his bunk bed would come with us), but how much longer after that depends on the housing market. I haven't spoken with my office yet, but there is no reason it should be a concern since I work remotely as it is. Then again, it is the government!

The really good news with this, though, is that once the company he currently works for is sold (4-5 yrs), we are heading back to the DC area!!

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