Thursday, June 27, 2013

2013_06_27 Thursday

Jonathan is on break this week -- getting to sleep until 8am! -- and helped me get Elise off to camp this morning. His former teacher, Fayge, welcomed him into camp and let him play with some of her penguin puzzles (since he brought Penguiny with him). On the way home, he decided to make a penguin diorama out of unused moving boxes. He disappeared into the dining room with mini marshmellows as ice bergs, white/black crayons, paper, scissors, and glue. So far, here is the highlight:

JD2: Mom, here is the Empetor (aka Emperor) penguin and here's the Mac and Cheese (Macaroni) penguin.

He and I went to the zoo to touch the sharks and sting rays; those things are much more slimy than I remember. He also rode a pony, although he had some buyer's remorse when we walked through the parakeet cage (he could have bought one seed stick if he didn't ride the pony).

Yesterday, he and I made fruit popcicles out of all the frozen fruit I've been saving for no reason, Greek yogurt, and OJ. Both kids had one for breakfast today. By the end of the day, the kids had each had four! We're slowly making our way through all our perishable foods!

Now the bad-ish news:
We may lose the GA house after all. There are some mold and water problems in the basement/apartment that are quite $$, and we are asking the sellers to remediate fully; they've been less than communicative. We have until tomorrow to walk away w/o losing our earnest money. That would be a real shame, as we'd like to work it out with them. We'll just have to see if they respond, and hopefully positively, tomorrow. Pins and needles until then.

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