Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2009_11_24 Tuesday

(yes, I have a ton of days to catch up on...)

J1: Hey Jonathan, what do you hear?
J2: Mom, that's a helicopter.
J1: Where is the helicopter?
J2: Mom, [indignantly] it's in the sky!
J1: But, where is the sky?
J2: oh, it's up there [pointing up], but it's dark outside now.

This is a typical conversation for us.

Poop in the potty; nap in the car-bed; pee in the potty. Gosh, it's a great day!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2009_11_11 Wednesday

Today started out like any other: I had to wake Jonathan up after 9:30 so we could get ready (dressed and have oatmeal w/ raisins for breakfast) and make it to Whole Foods for their art class. There, we made a turkey, which Jonathan immediately said he wanted to give to Opa. ok, then.

After we got home and played for a little bit, it was already lunch time. Because he asked for green eggs and ham, I made him a grilled cheese and ham sandwich with some black olives and applesauce as an appetizer. Well, after the second bite of the sandwich, Jonathan became the excorcist and projectile vomited three times. It was everywhere and GROSS. The poor kid was so scared and upset. I managed to get him to the kitchen sink after the third bout and stripped him down to his diaper. When I asked him if his tummy hurt, he said, "No mommy, it's ok." So I tried to rehydrate him and gave him some toast w/ butter and pear slices before putting him down for a nap.

When he got up around 4:30, he told me he was "ok," "my stinky diaper is ok," and "I had a good nap." So, we had a breakfast bar, some M&Ms, and lots of water. He doesn't have a fever and hasn't puked again, so I'm thinking whatever it was was...ejected.

Today is Sankt Martin's Tag, a German celebration a Robin Hood-esque man who gave pretzels to the poor. He is celebrated by children in a procession with lanterns. So, Jonathan and I made a lantern for him, and I baked a giant pretzel. We strolled around the backyard when Dave got home, and we all shared the pretzel, which turned out amazingly well. Pictures are on Photobucket, but for some reason this blog isn't allowing me to paste the URL in, so check them out there for now.

While I was out, apparently Jonathan told Dave that: "I'm going upstairs to change my diaper." Dave got a kick out of it...if only it were true!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2009_11_10 Tuesday

The last few days have been beautiful fall days. We haven't even needed coats! We spend a good few hours today at one of the town parks. We saw an old friend and made a new one, so it was a pretty successful day.

We had breakfast in town this morning, and Jonathan befriended one of the bagel guys. They were dancing around the store and tossing his little bus back and forth. People were laughing hysterically. I'm constantly stunned at how expansive Jonathan's vocabulary is. We had a full conversation about our breakfast (what we were eating, what he liked, what pictures were on the walls, what other guests were doing, etc) that really only dawned on me after it was over. He was also extremely sympathetic to and curious about a crying baby; I guess that's a good sign.

At lunch, Jonathan actually did a one-eye wink!!! He only did it once, but I definitely saw it. He did it again during his bath for daddy! how exciting.

He's chosen to sleep in his toddler car bed for the last 2 days! I've been thrilled. But, he doesn't seem at all convinced that that's the place for him. He's napping in his crib now. I think he'll be fine, though, when the time comes to remove the crib completely. He's an absolute riot, though, in that he reaches for whatever toys he can grab to play with once he's woken up, rather than getting out of bed until I come in to release him from his nap.

Before the sun went down, we goofed around in the back yard and I was able to get a couple of good fall shots (ie with falling leaves, etc).

Saturday, November 7, 2009

2009_11_07 Saturday

This morning, Dave had a dentist appointment, and Jonathan and I stayed home to welcome Habitat for Humanity to our yard. The local college chapter was doing a rake-for-donations gig, so I jumped on the opportunity to not rake again (and to let my blister heal). They did a great job, and it saved us plenty of time.

Then, in the afternoon, we went to Kyle's birthday party at a soccer stadium. What a great idea. They let the kids run around for about an hour, and then moved them into the 'box seats' for cake, etc. Jonathan bounced around in a moon bounce, kick/threw some soccer balls, pushed lawn mowers (seemingly his favorite!), and drove an automated kiddy truck. The trucks were a little scary for him, but he did really well.