Sunday, February 24, 2013

2013_02_24 Sunday

The kids did their first, for fun photo shoot for a local consignment shop. What fun!! And, they got $25 vouchers for the store. Since I had never done one before, I wasn't really sure how to guide them or what to do, but once we got going, they had fun. see the official photos below. No word on the actual website, yet, though.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2013_02_13 Wednesday

We had our dentist appointments tonight. It was Elise's first time. Jonathan went first. They talked about losing his baby teeth; it looks like #2 is on its way out. Because his teeth are so spaced apart, he's in good shape. But, he should be flossing now b/c some of his teeth are touching. I'm just happy that he brushes 1x/day (2x on a good day); we'll see about flossing! He definitely didn't like getting polished; I think the spearmint flavor is too strong. Elise was next and sat on me. She did a lion's roar to show off her pearly whites. She did great. The ladies were very impressed with how willing she was, although she didn't care for the spearmint either. My godsend of a babysitter came with me to help shuttle kids back and forth. It would have been a disaster without her. And, I got a clean bill too. Yippee!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2013_02_12 Tuesday

Elise is home sick today. She's been coughing at night, presumably croup, but today it kept going throughout the day, so I thought it best for her to stay with me and drink her "honey juice." Of course, today I was actually dressed and ready to go to the gym. not happening.

While Jonathan earned his 8 happy faces in school last week, he's having additional troubles. He can't seem to keep his hands to himself. Now he's in trouble for hitting and also being rude (not sure precisely what that means). It's so frustrating. He did have problems last night at tae quon do with keeping his hands to himself and paying attention, especially when he's in line waiting for his turn. Teacher said he's a follower, so he tends to get into trouble when someone else does. He lost TV last night for some attitude (maybe that's the rudeness?). And, we discussed two big rules: 1) keep your body to yourself, and 2) eyes on your adult. And, I can remind him of it by wiggling my thumb and index finger in an "L" shape. Maybe that will help remind him. Then, at the bus this AM, all the boys rush toward the open door, but I held him back so that another kid who was in line first could board first. Well, J was pissed and stuck his tongue out at me as the bus pulled away. charming.

So, I'm having a fabulous day.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2013_02_07 Thursday

We had a 'severe' snow storm that closed schools...
jsdemm's 2013_02_07 Snowstorm album on Photobucket

Friday, February 1, 2013

2013_02_01 Friday

Elise did it!! She was dry overnight! holy moly!

To celebrate, I took her to an indoor play space that has lots of tubes and tunnels. It took her a little while to warm up, but she seemed to enjoy it. I used to take Jonathan to this place when he was younger. Of course, Elise preferred the hair salon and the grocery store's plastic fruit and veggies to the train table and work benches, but I think they liked the tunnels about equally. And, the equally insisted on playing dumb video games; poor kids get sorely disappointed with me!

And, I think Jonathan has a second wiggly tooth. If I'm right, it's just starting to come loose. I think I see a bit of swelling inside his jaw that should be the adult tooth pushing up.