Friday, July 16, 2010

2010_07_16 Friday

Jonathan: "psst, mom, I want to tell you a secret."
I lean over, and he whispers in my ear.
Jonathan: "you are so pretty, mommy."
I well up.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

2010_07_15 Thursday

Jonathan got a cool alphabet game from Aunt D that he's been playing with daddy pretty consistently. I got to play with him for the first time tonight. I was amazed at how well he could play it (some rhyming, some letter identification, some word correction). gesh! But even more impressive: one of his words was 'bat,' and he recounted a full story about a bat we saw at the Newark Museum 2-3 weeks ago, telling me how the bat was hiding in a cave and we pushed a button to see it's skeleton.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

2010_07_11 Sunday

Jonathan's birthday celebration continued today. We went to the diner, per his request, although he acted a bit shy when the ladies -- including Donna -- came by. grr. That's so frustrating, and a tad embarrassing, since he sees them just about weekly!

Then we made a day of Maplewoodstock, a local music festival. It was very hot, but we stayed for about 2 hours. Dave and Jonathan explored various tents, including a bounce-house, while E and I hung out in the shade and jammed with the musicians.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

2010_07_10 Saturday

Is it really possible that our baby is 3 years old today!?!? wow, has time flown by. We had a really great day, which started off with a leisurely wake-up and then a road-trip to Phillipsburg, NJ to the Day with Thomas train extravaganza. Now, Thomas was sold out, but we managed to get on a real steam engine train, and there were tons of Thomas-y things going on -- including two bounce-houses -- that sated Jonathan's needs. Afterward, we ventured into PA for dinner with the Kutz family. Elise, on the other hand, still does NOT enjoy car rides.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

2010_07_08 Thursday

We had our first preschool 'interview' today at a synagogue. I'm afraid it's a bit too religious for my taste, although it's seems like a wonderful program. Jonathan was oddly not himself; he was very shy and clingy; then again, everything was new to him.

I've got both kids screaming as they take their naps (and I have lunch). Jonathan is pitching a fit because I wouldn't give him any water before he sleeps...of course, he's in his big boy underwear, so that would be asking for trouble, and he's screeching away like an owl. Elise is basically down already.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2010_07_07 Wednesday

Ugh, it's above 100 degrees again today! I went in to wake Jonathan and he was yelling "no, no, no..." in his sleep. When he finally did wake up, he was upset and crying, but he couldn't tell me what his dream was or what upset him. I guess that's a developmental milestone we haven't passed yet.

After our weekly visit to Whole Foods' art program, where Jonathan made a green ladybug out of a paper plate, he got on his bathing suit and took a plunge in our pool while Elise took a nap...or at least tried to. Meanwhile, the power went out for about 30 mins.
He's still doing perfectly with potty training. We venture out in big boy underwear routinely now; we just have to make sure he goes before we leave to maximize our time out. But, so far, so good!

While dinner is lasting an eternity these days, we've come up with a plan to have an analogue clock to watch the minutes tick by. And, if he takes x amount of time, he can still play in the den, have two books, etc. But if he goes past it, things start to get taken away, until ultimately it's straight to bed. On a much more positive note, he actually spat out his toothpaste for the first time last night! wahoo! He's really hitting a lot of milestones in a short amount of time!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

2010_07_06 Tuesday

Got back from a long and wonderful weekend at the Barony. Jonathan is potty trained!! He's been so good, and no accidents since about a week ago! He even made it through one nap, and he woke up yesterday with a dry diaper. However, this morning's diaper wasn't dry, so we'll keep going with the night-time diapers. How very exciting, though!!!

On a less exciting note, the drive home was atrocious. Elise was horrible. It took us 7 hours for what should have taken 4 hours. She was a mess, screaming the whole way; we think it's a gassy problem. I was sandwiched in the back and didn't do a whole lot of help. So, I switched out her car seat for the other one we have, and she made it to and from the grocery store with whimpers, but not screams. Hopefully, this car seat is at a better angle or is somehow more comfortable for her.

Today it is 102. Too hot to do much. blech.