Monday, December 19, 2011

2011_12_19 Tuesday

Mom: "Elise, thank you!"
Elise: "Ye'come!"

and pretty consistently!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

2011_12_15 Thursday

I changed into sweatpants after dinner, as I'm still recovering from this nasty cold. Jonathan said, "mom, you have on tse-tses but they aren't like [classmate's]" and grabbed the string of my waistband. I realized he was talking about the tzitzit, which are fringes that orthodox Jewish men wear. I only had two, and mine had metal clamps (which weren't like his classmate's). How observant, though!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

2011_12_06 Tuesday

Jonathan stayed home sick today. He got to use a "thermodemer" under his tongue for the first time. He had a fever that spiked at 102.4, so he also missed swim class last night. By late this afternoon, he seemed back to normal (99.2) and his body was much cooler. So, we ventured out to a Scholastic Warehouse Sale. I got a bunch of Reader 1 books for him and a couple of chapter books that we can read together.

St. Nickolaus came overnight too. Jonathan got a flashy toothbrush, Geld, a Pez dispenser, and a Playmobile set. Elise got hairbows, hairbands, toothbrushes, and Geld. What nice kids they've been all year. I have pix to share, eventually.