Monday, June 25, 2012

2012_06_25 Monday

We returned from a few days in Ocean City, MD over the weekend. Wow, was that an incredibly fun vacation. We played dino mini-golf (the same place J2 and I went last year); we went to the beach in the late afternoons; we went to a water park; and we went to a giant waterpark with go-carts and got a raincheck to come back the next day. Of course, we also got to spend a lot of time with PopPop and Uncle Sam, which was a highlight. And, Dave and I got to go on TWO dinner/movie dates. Elise was sort of torture at the minigolf, but J2 had fun. That day was the hottest of the trip, so it was a little unpleasant anyway. The beach was wonderful: mostly empty, not too sunny, mild waves. We also found a giant (dead) horseshoe crab to investigate; J2 also collected a few whole shells. We also investigated what makes the air bubbles in the sand when the water recedes: sand fleas, and some that we found were rather large! Finally, we all flew a kite one afternoon. We got rained out on our last beach visit there. Jonathan drive a go-cart by himself and then co-piloted with Dave. Elise fell asleep wearing a lifevest on a ring with me in the Lazy River, but she had a couple of kiddy pools and a wave-maker pool to play in. Jonathan went down one very high water slide that was pitch black by himself. Then he took me down it to race! That was really neat. He had to wear a lifevest too, so we were both much more at ease with him in the water. And, he trusted us enough to go on some of them more scary rides and really enjoyed them. Other than one night of massive meltdown by J2 (sorry PopPop!), it was a fabulous time. And, I'm the only one with a minor sunburn.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

2012_06_17 Sunday

It's Father's Day!! Although Dave was up way before the rest of the house, he showered and got back into bed so we could deliver homemade blueberry French toast, watermelon, tea, milk, a breakfast bar, and two types of nuts to him. Jonathan helped me make the French toast and helped put the tray together. Dave got two cards, two hand prints, 4 ties, and 2 packages of socks from his babes. Then, we visited the Cassidy's at brunch, and they decided to join us for Madagascar 3. Elise is napping now (Jonathan and I played a heated game of Uno, and Dad's shopping online for some clothes). And, we're off to dinner later.

Yesterday, I finally got 30 hosta plants to soften up the front retaining wall. Dave started each hole; I dug them out and planted each plant. It really only took about an hour. Jonathan was supposed to pick out the bigger rocks but got distracted by just about anything else. He also went bike-riding with our neighbor to the school yard, where they allegedly didn't ride at all! And, a day later, they all are still alive and look pretty sharp!

Friday, June 15, 2012

2012_06_15 Friday

We had a lovely day. Today was a neighboring town's farmer's market. I gave Jonathan $20; we circled the entire market; and then he made his choices. He bought: a pint of strawberries, two snickerdoodles, a bag of salad, snap peas, two tomatoes, a pint of peaches. He had to make all the choices and do all the transactions (with minimal help from me). In the end, he had $.25 left over. So, we had salad for dinner (along with leftover noodles from the night before. And, I had homemade olive hummus too). What a nice experience. I'm hoping this weekly adventure will also start to introduce math and currency along with making choices (and dinner!).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

2012_06_14 Thursday

I went to wake Elise up this morning so I could go to my yoga class and found a sleeping girl with a bare bottom! She really likes her dress pjs, but at some point over night she pulled her diaper off and went bare butt. Of course, everything around her was drenched (and her butt was cold!). So, maybe we'll add on a bloomer to the dress pjs from now on.

Last night, she actually pooped a tiny poop in the toilet! We have (more like she has) made a routine of peeing in the toilet before going to bed each night.

Monday, June 11, 2012

2012_06_11 Monday

Today is the first real day of no school. yikes. Everyone slept in. We were finally ready to go about our day around 11! We got a screw for Jonathan's sunglasses. It's not a perfect fit, but it works for now. Elise tried out finger painting and, much like her brother, absolutely hated much so that she was in tears, begging for a napkin. Poor baby. Meanwhile, Jonathan is constructing a guitar out of a shoebox. Today is the opening day of our farmer's market, so I hope to swing by there. And, Jonathan has his placement assessment (30 mins) today at Kindergarten. Afterward, he's also got swimming class. Not bad for the first day of "nothing to do."

Sunday, June 10, 2012

2012_06_10 Sunday

Elise's face-plant scabbing is nearly gone, thankfully. Her upper lip is still a little red, but hardly noticeable. Jonathan suggested that she needs her 'ass kerin' -- I think that was supposed to be aspirin. ;o)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012_06_07 Thursday

Today is Jonathan's last day of preschool. I don't think he quite gets it. But, boy, has it hit me hard. I guess I never really experienced anyone else's end before. It's always been my own end of camp, end of college, etc. My heart hurts a little for him; his teachers have been so special and so instrumental in his life, and because he is still young, he doesn't understand that it's the end, and the kids he's seen everyday for the past two years won't ever gather together again. He will be back for summer camp, so it's not quite so dramatic, but my not-so baby has passed a major milestone today.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2012_06_06 Wednesday

What a special day: 6+6=12. Jonathan wasn't impressed.

Today was his Kindergarten orientation. It went off wonderfully. The kids went off with a K teacher into a K classroom while the parents got briefings. They gave us a packet of what we can be doing over the summer (mostly books, websites, apps though). We got to try out the school bus and the seat belts. We toured around the school a bit. We played on the playground with other soon-to-be classmates. He knew three from preschool and a handful from the parks and neighborhood. It's all so real. I definitely got a little choked up...but not teary.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2012_06_05 Tuesday

Today, Jonathan graduated from Kinder-Gan. They did such a great job. They all sang songs, and while I certainly didn't recognize any of them, they each knew the words and motions. They wore cap and 'capes' and got a cute diploma, and Frumie read what each child liked the best about school. The kids did great. They also had a short slideshow of the past year that was very emotional. It's amazing how much kids grow over that one year. I was in charge of the class gift to the 4 teachers: cyclamen flowers, $$, and a photo album with mitvah notes from each family. The teachers were very thankful (which brought me to tears); I was pretty proud of myself...and of Jonathan. Then we had a light lunch there. I can't wait for Elise to go there too. I love it.