Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2010_04_28 Wednesday

I woke up this morning at 3am in full-blown labor. Since I wasn't 100% sure what was going on, I waited about an hour before waking David up. I called Oma for advice and for her to get here pronto. I also called Dr Parchment for her advice; she said to meet her at the hospital around 5am. The contractions were 5-6 minutes apart at that point, so it really was time to get a move on. Dave ran Jonathan over to Josh's house at 4:30am (and he accidentally dropped his cell phone in Josh's room). I was hurting by then, but I took a shower and packed my bag, and met Dave in the car. We pulled out, but had to stop at Josh's to find the cell (b/c Dave had to contact work to notify them). I felt like the baby was going to be born in the car. Dave flew through all the stop lights, on my plea.
We got to Overlook Hospital around 5:30am. When they checked me, I was already 5cm dilated and nearly fully effaced, and the contractions were killing me. After they asked if I wanted an epidural, and I emphatically said "YES!", they decided that I couldn't have one because the baby was coming so fast. Shortly thereafter, I was 10cm and fully effaced; this of course, after the nurses told me that I could expect another 5 hours of labor. After pushing for what seemed like an eternity, I realized that she hadn't even crowned yet. That was a tough pill to swallow. But, once she did crown, the rest happened very quickly.
Elise was born at 6:56am au natural. What a divine experience, although not one I'd volunteer to do again, especially without the epidural! David cut her cord. By the time most people were waking up, I was already in the recovery room nursing her and making as many phone calls as I could handle.

Monday, April 26, 2010

2010_04_26 Monday

I keep meaning to post about our dinner routine now. David is now telling Jonathan a story (or two or three) about Ponathan's daily adventures. They are typically recounts of things Jonathan has done throughout the day or things he enjoys doing. Tonight's adventure was Ponathan going to the zoo (yesterday was Ponathan going over the bridge and to the park). Ponathan is a spin-off of PopPop's stories about Pavid and Peven. And, Jonathan LOVES to hear stories about Ponathan and even corrects David when he slips up with his Ps and Js. It's a hoot to listen to the story and watch Jonathan be super attentive (and inhale dinner so he can hear the whole story).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

2010_04_25 Sunday

Jonathan got up this morning; it was dark and rainy so we all got a little more sleep than usual. He came downstairs and got some pretzels nearly by himself. Then, when I asked him where he was going, he told me: "I'm going crazy!" -- thanks, Opa!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

2010_04_22 Thursday

One little family 'tradition' that my greatgrandmother began is "getting sugar" from each other. Sugar is found in the nape of the neck, so it involves lots of snuggly kisses behind the head. Well, as of yesterday, Jonathan has started telling me that "Sugar is closed, mommy!" and flips his head back so I can't get to his, I resort to stealing his watermelons, which are in his knees. He can't keep his head in the sky very well when I'm tickling his knees. What a rascal.

Friday, April 16, 2010

2010_04_16 Friday

Jonathan woke up 'early' today and had breakfast (@ 8) with Dave before he left for work. He really liked that. And, he was very excited to tell me that "daddy is bringing popcorn home after work." So, the JDH's walked into town around 9:30 to get mommy some coffee; the cafe owner also gave Jonathan a smiley-face cookie (just what he needed at 9:30am!), but he was very pleased with that.

On the way home, Jonathan saw some tulips and wandered into a flower bed, which I generally don't allow him to do, but he went over to cup the blossom and smell the flower. I wish I had had a camera; it was really a cute moment.

Now we are back home, and the final contractors are here installing our glass shower walls/doors and mirror. Not sure how long they'll be here.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

2010_04_15 Thursday

"Mommy, if you read a book to me, your tummy won't hurt." in reference to my Braxton-Hicks contractions...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

2010_04_10 Saturday

What a great day we've had!! We started the morning off as a family at the Youth Gardening Club in town. Dave and Jonathan picked up bagels while I got ready and then picked me up on the way to the club. We (trans)planted nasturium, lettuce, basil, marigolds, coleus, and one other plant. Jonathan brought his rake and seemed to enjoy shoveling in the soil and watering anything. What a nice morning. Then, we went to our local elementary school playground for a few hours, and then we walked into town for some ice cream. Jonathan did a pretty fantastic nose plant in the wood chips at the school, although he didn't cry one tear, but we thought he might need some calcium...or maybe that was for me....

He's down for a nap now. Dave's got some work to do, and I may hit the grocery store for some staples.

Oh yeah, and only 13 more days to go (more or less). While I'm still pretty small, I'm ready to get on with the next phase of our family!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2010_04_07 Wednesday

I don't think today could have been any more beautiful. Should top out at about 80 degrees. Finally, I had a long morning to myself: no contractors, no alarm clock. It was wonderful, especially after two nights of nearly no sleep.

I got Jonathan up around 10am, although he was already awake, just quiet. And, we had a very quick European-style (ie light) breakfast (cheese cubes, strawberries, breakfast bar, etc) before heading over to Whole Foods for our art class. We cut out blue fruits/veggies and glued them together; nothing fancy, just a project. Jonathan got to see Joshua, Marco, and Anouk, so he was pretty happy. He's getting good at cutting with scissors; not sure if that's a good thing!!

We stopped at the playground on the way home, and Jonathan was able to use the big-boy swings. He's slowly getting the idea that you don't just let go. And, he ran around a bit to get some energy out. When we got home, I swept out the garage while he drove his cars around. Now we can finally park in our garage again. Dave did a great job in cleaning out the excess junk in there before the dumpster left. So, now we can fit both cars and Jonathan's summer toys without too much trouble. He also did some chalk drawings before lunchtime.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

2010_04_04 Sunday

Today is Jonathan's 1,000th day alive!! and it's Easter too.

We went to the diner today around 11. I went in to get Jonathan out of bed, and he was comfortably reading with nearly 1/2 of his books spread over his bed. Who knows how long he's actually wide awake, but I suppose it's great that he can occupy himself until someone comes to get him.

After brunch, we came home for a private Easter egg hunt, but not before I ventured to three stores (Target was closed!?!?!?) to get M&Ms to fill our plastic eggs. With a minor distraction of bubbles in the front yard, I was able to scatter some eggs around the backyard. And, he got a kick out of hunting them down. Then we came inside to check out the loot and to see what he got in his baskets from Nana and the Easter bunny. He got more bubbles, tried out a yo-yo, and has some new outside chalk (and he made out better than for Halloween with the candy!). It was a fun day.

While he napped, I moved his carseat to behind the driver, vacuumed under his seat, and installed the infant car seat, with sun visor and mirror. I also did some minor clothes arranging, etc in the baby's room. And, now the boys are at the local park, so I have a little bit of quiet time. ahhh...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

2010_04_03 Saturday

We had a lovely day at Nana and Grandpa's house today. All the cousins got to hang out and play. Jen even organized an Easter Egg hunt, which went over so well that we had to do it twice. Vicky brought hardboiled eggs and dye, so the kiddies dyed up some eggs as well and then decorated them. Jonathan didn't quite get the decoration part so much, but he thought the dying part was pretty neat. Of course, all his eggs were blue.