Saturday, March 30, 2013

2013_03_30 Saturday

Welcome to the world, my little Indian-German niece!!! We can't wait to meet her.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

2013_03_24 Sunday

Oh what a weekend. Jonathan was sent home early from school on Friday and then threw up twice at home. Consequently, we skipped movie night at school. But, by morning, he seemed back on track, so he and Dave went to an art class and brought home a lovely watercolor for me. But, by then sissy Elise caught the bug. She and I were up from about 2-5:30am this morning; she's hacking and very phlegmy, causing her also to vomit. charming. Then, Jonathan had a little throw up this morning too. We were supposed to host the family today, but we opted instead for Dave to go up the his brother's house and I'd stay with the sickos. Elise took a nice, long nap, but she looks pathetic. Jonathan seems a lot better. We'll see how he does today before deciding about attending school tomorrow. They are both laying on the couch now.

Had a contractor come by today to inspect the bathroom. yeah!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

2013_03_17 Sunday

Jonathan had a very exciting day today, but not necessarily for the right reasons...

1. He woke up yelling for me at 5am (!!). He must have had a bad dream about leprechauns because he was very concerned that he heard noises in his room that they had made. At school, a naughty leprechaun tipped over chairs and dropped books on the floor (but also left Rolo treats for the kids) while they were gone. Now, he's afraid that leprechauns are messing with his stuff. Thanks a million, school! Luckily, awhile ago, I told him that I sprayed for monsters and ghosts (just like we do for ants and wasps outside), so I was able to convince him that leprechauns are in the same category and couldn't come inside. I also convinced him that leprechauns are on their way home (wherever that is) today, so there couldn't possibly be any problems with them after today anyway. I didn't want to burst the magic but at 5am, it's not cute. We also discussed old house noises.

2. Mr Joe, the swingset guy, showed up at 8am to start building the kids' 2012 birthday present!! Jonathan apparently was out there (with Dave) to help Mr Joe right away. It couldn't be colder outside, but he's cancelled on us a few times, so I guess he was feeling guilty or something. Surprisingly, Mr Joe did finish! And, we all went out after dinner to test drive it. The kids were in heaven! The third story is a bit high (and small); Elise may need some time to warm up to that level. Pix to follow.

3. He also lost his second tooth at the bagel store! He was biting into a bagel and it just popped right out! It had been wiggly for weeeeks, so there was very little blood. He's already wrapped it up and stored it in his tooth pillow (thanks Oma!) for the tooth fairy to take it away tonight. Somehow she's not as scary as leprechauns. ugh!!

On another note, it looks like we are ready to start renovating the upstairs bathroom!! can't happen soon enough! As soon as we get the vanity/mirror set, which I should order today, we can get started (tile, toilet, shower head, etc) can all be locally-acquired.

Monday, March 11, 2013

2013_03_11 Monday

This morning, Elise told me: "Mom, Daddy put a booster pack in my diaper." I had no idea what she was talking about but she was very clear on what she was saying. As it turned out, Daddy put a booster pad (sort of like a feminine pad) in her diaper because she's been leaking through most nights.

Oh, and I've been teaching her funny phrases like:

(mom) Golly gee willikers = (Elise) goll-gee wigglers
(mom) holy guacamole = hoge quaka lee