Monday, April 29, 2013

2013_04_29 Monday

Elise's #3 doctor's visit went considerably better than the lead test visit. Because the offices are in the same building, she did get very concerned as we parked, saying "I don't want to see the nurse again or get pinched." Luckily, there were no shots required today. whew. But, it does seem that she has seasonal allergies, so we're trying an OTC for that too. She was a bit more stubborn than usual, not wanting to get on the scale for the doc (although she did for the nurse) and not wanting to draw circles for her or even chat too much.

Then, at Target, she recited 1/2 of my phone number! geez, this kid is quick. As we were parking, she got very excited because she saw Opa coming out of Whole Foods. Salt and pepper guy wearing a flannel shirt and glasses. sounds about right. Boy was she disappointed when it wasn't him.

Pix from yesterday to follow after I get some work done. I've said goodbye to my former intern/boss today. How bittersweet that was. He's on to bigger and better, but I will sure miss working for him. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

2013_04_26 Friday

Happy Birthday to Aunt Shannon!!!!!

Because of all the old houses in this area, when children are 2, they must have a lead blood level test. Somehow it escaped me, and I finally managed to take Elise in today (2 days before her 3rd) to have it done. I spoke honestly to her that the nurse would pinch her (I said finger, based on other mom's saying it was a finger prick) and it would hurt a little bit but then we could go to the park to play. She was fine with it. But, when we got into the chair, the nurse decided that it was an actual blood draw through the arm. She sat still enough. But, when that needle went in, she started wailing. It took a couple of seconds to get it right and fill the vial. Unfortunately, she threw a full on fit AFTER it was completely over. She actually ran out of the room, into the public waiting room, ripped off the bandage, and tried to open a locked patio door (2nd floor facility) to leave! Naturally, the patients waiting were either laughing or mortified. Oh boy was she pissed. By the time we made it into the car, she had calmed down, and we had a nice time at the Fire Station Park.

I can't wait to see how she does at the doctor's office on Monday!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

2013_04_14 Sunday

We spent a lovely "morning" (after bumping into some friends over bagels) at a local arboretum, celebrating Daffodil Day. They have a huge crater, which they call the bowl, that is covered in daffodils. I got some great shots of the kids. And, we ran around the property a bit. Hurricane Sandy destroyed the place, so this was also a soft reopening. The kids also planted sunflowers (?) to bring home, and the Boy Scouts were there to facilitate some projects, including a PeterPan-esque hat that Jonathan made and throwing bees (velcro balls) onto sticky flowers. We also had a few snacks, like honey sticks and very tart mango/strawberry juice, before listening to a falconer. Unfortunately, he was too chatty, and we had to leave so that Dave could attend his mandatory coach training. We missed seeing an actual falcon; J was disappointed, but I've found a raptor recovery house near the swamp that we'll explore one of these days (now that school break is over!).

jsdemm's 2013_04_11 Daffodil Day album on Photobucket

While D was at training, we played outside with the neighbors for nearly 3 hours. Then, Elise napped, and I worked a little while Dave and Jonathan investigated T-ball equipment. They brought home all sorts of gear and spent another 2+ hours outside practicing what Dave learned and letting J swing his new bat and try out the new tricks.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

2013_04_13 Saturday

Elise got her first hair cut today!! She did awesome. We practiced sitting still "like a statue" over breakfast at the diner (ps. Donna quit!!!). She was most concerned about the 'white napkin' that the lady put around her neck. I tried to collect the stray hairs, but it's so fine and short that there wasn't too much to save. I had been parting her hair on the wrong side, and now she's got a short bob cut because she has two cowlicks in the back that make it perfectly poufy. The one in the front will go away as her bangs get heavier. She definitely looks less 'wild' now, but I'll miss her crazy, free hair. In about 15 mins, and $12 later, Elise looks far more civilized...especially since school picture day is next week.

jsdemm's 2013_04_10 E first haircut album on Photobucket

Thursday, April 11, 2013

2013_04_11 Thursday

Lucky for me, Oma stuck around to make my life easier. I took Elise to a dermatologist in the AM. He thinks her cheek/forehead issue is likely eczema, so he gave us some cream samples to try, and within a day it looked much better. Whatever it is, the creams seem to be working.

Then, Jonathan went back to preschool and read a spring book to the upper class. He was terrific, and his old teacher was impressed with his skills. The kids didn't move a muscle while he read. It was neat to watch. I have a full video and a few photos of that too. He got to stay for recess and pick up sissy.