Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2010_01_26 Tuesday

Jonathan woke up extra early today (8:45am!!) for no good reason. I think I really do need to find some darker curtains for him. Without the leaves on all our old trees, it seems to get light early.

While getting him dressed, he opted out of pull-ups/diapers all together. That was fine since we had a few hours at home...he went through 3 pants in less than 2 hours. On the flip-side, though, he told me immediately after he peed, each time. After that, we had to get ready to leave so he went back into pull-ups and seemed fine with it.

I had a panel discussion today at Whole Foods, a local, high-end grocery store. It went well, and Jonathan did really great for the 2+ hours he had to sit relatively still for me. Ms Laura was running it, and he would have been completely happy hanging out with her (ie without me), and he was really sociable with the other moms who were there (many w/o kids). A few commented on how great he was...awwww. They fed us afterward, and he tried some tuna salad -- didn't go over well, though. But, he also told everyone that their kiwis were "just like the kiwis [we have] at home."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2010_01_20 Wednesday

We had our art class this morning. And, much like yesterday, he completely abandoned me for the teacher! I was as good as gone; he didn't care at all. I guess that's a good thing, but am I ready for that level of independence?? not sure.

During his nap, I heard a big thud but couldn't place it. Well, it turns out that Jonathan had been awake for awhile and had knocked his stereo down...while he was climbing on the radiator cover and looking out the window standing on it!!! yikes!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010_01_19 Tuesday

We had our Nature Center class today (is typically Mondays). Jonathan ran in and snuggled up to Ms Barbara immediately and didn't leave her side for the entire class. I tried to intervene, but he wouldn't have anything to do with me. I guess that's a good thing, but I'm not quite ready for all this independence yet. He sat with her in the circle, and he held her hand while we went outside looking for animal tracks. I really could have been anywhere else, and I'm not sure he would have noticed!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2010_01_16 Saturday

This morning, Jonathan decided he wanted to wear big-boy underware inside his pull-up. By the time we got home from the diner, he was soaked. I wanted to just change him so we could go to the zoo since it's a pretty nice day, but he insisted on 'only underwear' (ie no diaper/pull-up), so I opted to hang out here for a bit. I was just playing with Jonathan in his room, and he tried to tell me that one of his play vegetables was a "chickenplant." Very clever since it was actually an EGGplant.

He's also mastered a normal puzzle. We have one of four trucks with 4x4 interlocking pieces (like a normal puzzle) that he can put together without any trouble at all. It's neat to watch; he puts the green one together first, then the red one on top, then the yellow one, and then the orange one. He's working on a yellow/purple dinosaur that has the cuts in the backboard, but there are more pieces, so it's a little harder. He needs a little coaching on that one. He can definitely put together the face, though. We're still working on recognizing the corner and flat pieces. I guess I can put the easy puzzles away now!

Friday, January 15, 2010

2010_01_15 Friday

We went to the Big Apple Circus today. It was Jonathan's first experience, and he did fantastic! On the way in, he told us we rode on a" soft train" and a "hard train." When we didn't understand what he was saying, he knocked on his chair and said it was hard...the subway doesn't have cushions (so it's hard) but the commuter train does (so it's soft)!! Isn't he clever!!!? He really enjoyed the horse and dogs, but that was all for the animals; the rest were acrobats and trapeze artists, etc. Still a very neat time.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010_01_10 Sunday

Today, Jonathan is officially 2.5 years old! a big day for him.

We started the day off with an episode of Sesame Street and then a visit to a new diner one town over, where he was a bit of a picky (or at least disinterested) eater. Once we got back home, Dave checked out local movie listings, and the boys went off to see "The Frog and the Princess," which is a Disney movie and very well rated. Jonathan raved about various animal characters when he got home. Their absence gave me some quiet time, and I was able to get through a good deal of my ToDos, including laundry and sorting maternity/baby clothes (although I never did get a chance to read my book). Hello, nesting anyone??

Now, he's taking his first, real, official bubble bath. He didn't really know what to make of the bubbles as he climbed in, but he's warmed to them very quickly and is now having a blast.

Not sure what we'll do for dinner tonight. We've been pretty good about eating dinner together in the dining room once during the weekend, though. It's really nice. And, Jonathan loves his new table/chairs. What a big boy!