Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010_01_10 Sunday

Today, Jonathan is officially 2.5 years old! a big day for him.

We started the day off with an episode of Sesame Street and then a visit to a new diner one town over, where he was a bit of a picky (or at least disinterested) eater. Once we got back home, Dave checked out local movie listings, and the boys went off to see "The Frog and the Princess," which is a Disney movie and very well rated. Jonathan raved about various animal characters when he got home. Their absence gave me some quiet time, and I was able to get through a good deal of my ToDos, including laundry and sorting maternity/baby clothes (although I never did get a chance to read my book). Hello, nesting anyone??

Now, he's taking his first, real, official bubble bath. He didn't really know what to make of the bubbles as he climbed in, but he's warmed to them very quickly and is now having a blast.

Not sure what we'll do for dinner tonight. We've been pretty good about eating dinner together in the dining room once during the weekend, though. It's really nice. And, Jonathan loves his new table/chairs. What a big boy!

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