Monday, January 30, 2012

2012_01_30 Monday

What a pisser of a least the start of it. Elise has pink eye in both of her eyes. She woke up at 3:50am today with both eyes crusted over and miserable (probably also a bit afraid). I got her in to the dr at 11, and she confirmed it. So, she needs 1 drop in each eye 4xs/7 days. I managed to get 3 drops today, and she seems a lot happier already.

But, the best part of today was Jonathan's swim class. He was absolutely amazing. He was swimming!!! It wasn't Mark Spitz, but he was doing it!!!! He put his head in the water multiple times and freely both swimming and picking up rings. I was so proud of him I nearly cried right there in the pool. I told him repeatedly that I was very proud of him and he agreed that he was proud of himself for doing so well. Wow, what a memorable cap to the day.

Friday, January 27, 2012

2012_01_27 Friday

"Little Miss Muffin, sat on her tuffen, eating her curls away..."
-a poem from Jonathan to Elise, to make her happy.

Today is also Mozart's birthday, a fact learned at school!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012_01_25 Thursday

Yikes!! Today started off badly. Either I turned off my alarm clock, or it didn't go off. It's probably the former, but I sure don't remember hearing it (might have been because I was up until 1am reading). So, mommy woke up at 8:30 in a panic. Jonathan, luckily, moved himself along fast enough for me to get Elise up and going. B'fast wasn't the best in the world, but he got enough to make it to snack time at school. It was a great life lesson for him, as I apologized to him for making him late.

Then E and I went to the gym for my 9:45 hot yoga class. Man, I really love it, although it's less fun when I'm in the front of the class b/c the heaters blow the hot air from there. I can't breathe! I am feeling a lot stronger and toned these days.

By 11:30, E had her thumb in her mouth, so I put her down as soon as we got home. More time for me to work...and Skype!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012_01_17 Tuesday

Elise's vocabulary has exploded in the last few weeks. She's saying two words together and multiple syllables. Here's a short list:

blue, green, purple, orange, red
JD's at school (which sounds more like "skeu")
Daddy's working
I do it.
two shoes
cat, dog, cow, piggy, peep, chicken (horse and rooster are still only their noises)

will add more as I remember.

She's also still signing, so she's got a bunch more words there, although she can basically say all those words.

Monday, January 16, 2012

2012_01_16 Monday

Jonathan didn't have school today so we went on an adventure to the Brooklyn Children's Museum. We were there for about 4 hours. They have a cute toddler-only area with a large water table, a music tunnel/bridge, stuffed animals/costumes, and a blue sparkly sand table. I probably should have done the sand BEFORE the water table!! They both really enjoyed that whole area. We also explored the rest of the space: a green house, various habitats, and a full exhibit on circles that was a little too advanced for J (or he was tired from everything else). After snack/lunch, I was pretty tired, so we bundled back up and went home.

The best part (for me) was that it was free for us b/c of reciprocity to other museums!!!

We came home so Elise could nap and we could relax. And, then Jonathan had swim class at night. He's doing great. He will jump in from the side onto a noodle (including getting his face wet). He paddles and kicks with a float-y dumbbell or noodle under his arms. But, he won't put his head under to pick up rings (he's figured out how to get them with his toes). And, I'm working on getting him to wear the tub first...then in the pool.

It was a nice day.

Friday, January 13, 2012

2012_01_13 Friday

I ordered a bunch of Geisel Award winner books for Jonathan (and eventually Elise too) as Christmas gifts from Uncle Ed/Aunt Mary, and the first batch arrived today. One of the books was a board book version of "A Snowy Day." Jonathan immediately recognized it and yelled: "Ezra Jack Keats! He's the author and illustrator!" I asked him to repeat himself because I was sure he didn't know that. I nearly fell over. As it turns out, he's working on that book in school right now!