Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2010_04_07 Wednesday

I don't think today could have been any more beautiful. Should top out at about 80 degrees. Finally, I had a long morning to myself: no contractors, no alarm clock. It was wonderful, especially after two nights of nearly no sleep.

I got Jonathan up around 10am, although he was already awake, just quiet. And, we had a very quick European-style (ie light) breakfast (cheese cubes, strawberries, breakfast bar, etc) before heading over to Whole Foods for our art class. We cut out blue fruits/veggies and glued them together; nothing fancy, just a project. Jonathan got to see Joshua, Marco, and Anouk, so he was pretty happy. He's getting good at cutting with scissors; not sure if that's a good thing!!

We stopped at the playground on the way home, and Jonathan was able to use the big-boy swings. He's slowly getting the idea that you don't just let go. And, he ran around a bit to get some energy out. When we got home, I swept out the garage while he drove his cars around. Now we can finally park in our garage again. Dave did a great job in cleaning out the excess junk in there before the dumpster left. So, now we can fit both cars and Jonathan's summer toys without too much trouble. He also did some chalk drawings before lunchtime.

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