Ugh, it's above 100 degrees again today! I went in to wake Jonathan and he was yelling "no, no, no..." in his sleep. When he finally did wake up, he was upset and crying, but he couldn't tell me what his dream was or what upset him. I guess that's a developmental milestone we haven't passed yet.
After our weekly visit to Whole Foods' art program, where Jonathan made a green ladybug out of a paper plate, he got on his bathing suit and took a plunge in our pool while Elise took a nap...or at least tried to. Meanwhile, the power went out for about 30 mins.
He's still doing perfectly with potty training. We venture out in big boy underwear routinely now; we just have to make sure he goes before we leave to maximize our time out. But, so far, so good!
While dinner is lasting an eternity these days, we've come up with a plan to have an analogue clock to watch the minutes tick by. And, if he takes x amount of time, he can still play in the den, have two books, etc. But if he goes past it, things start to get taken away, until ultimately it's straight to bed. On a much more positive note, he actually spat out his toothpaste for the first time last night! wahoo! He's really hitting a lot of milestones in a short amount of time!!!