Thursday, April 28, 2011

2011_04_28 Thursday


wow, has time flown by. I woke up just before 6:54am today and watched the clock tick to her actual birth time. I couldn't believe how many memories of her labor flooded back to me. She finally woke up around 8, and we snuggled, and I nursed her for the last time (9:10am). Jonathan came in and we sang Happy Birthday to her a few times; she seemed to enjoy that. He also brought in a bunch of bathtub cars and roads (that stick to the walls), and Elise chewed on them, offering them to me -- mouth-to-mouth. So funny.

He got himself dressed completely by himself this morning. I mean, he pulled open the drawers, picked out an outfit (blue sweats/red polo), and got it all on alone. I only realized what he had done when he went to the bathroom and had TWO pairs of underwear on. He's left them both on all day, refusing to take one off!

It's a crummy day, raining off and on all day! We made it to the ice cream store, though, to follow our birthday tradition! We all shared a 'birthday cake ice cream' with rainbow sprinkled. I had intentions of trying a new museum out, but with the rains and a sleeping babe, we'll have to try again another day.

While the little lady slept (11:30-3), Jonathan and I made a new playmat out of his ghost Halloween costume. I sewed blue felt into the face hole, making a lake. Now we just need to find paint for some roads. He put his train trees up as a forest and then mixed in Playmobile, Lego, and trains. I also have him some kitchen items (corks, chopsticks, etc) to use his imagination.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2011_04_26 Tuesday

First, Happy Birthday to Aunt Shannon!!!!

Today was Jonathan's first day of "soccer school." He did amazing. Coach Nathan basically works on techniques, skills, and developing coordination, not actually matches. J was just awesome. He listened, followed instructions, and tried all the things Coach asked of him. Plus, he was running for basically 45 minutes straight! I am going to love this!!!!!

And, here are some shots of Elise with her hairbow (I bought 17 non-slip teeny bows for her!). Her hair is still a bit too short. She's also taken to climbing on, and standing up on, Jonathan's rocking chair and then rocking. I can give her an angry face, and she'll sit back down...backward:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

2011_04_24 Sunday

We spent Easter at Nanie's and Grandpa's, but not before the Easter bunny stopped by our dining room with some goodies. Elise wouldn't let go of the bunny ears for days and really tries hard to get them onto her head. Had a lovely visit:

Friday, April 22, 2011

2011_04_22 Friday

Today is the last day of 'free entrance to national parks week.' We tried out the Edison National Park. It's a neat complex, but it's not exactly kiddy-focused, including some stair-only exhibits. I thought Jonathan would really like the 'phone' that they handed out for the self-guided tours, but the novelty wore off very quickly. It was also too crowded for us to tour his home (we would have had to wait for a few hours to get in).

Here are also some shots of Elise taking a bath (and one of Jonathan being cute):

Thursday, April 21, 2011

2011_04_21 Thursday

We got home today from our first sleepover! Jonathan slept over at Julia's. He wasn't too keen on actually sleeping in her bed, so at some point in the night, he climbed out, unrolled his sleeping bag, and snuggled into it on the floor! Once we all got up and ready, we went to their diner for b'fast and played at a playground on a river for a short time b/c it was just too cold/windy. The kids also painted birdhouses and watched lots of movies.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

2011_04_19 Tuesday

Today, Jonathan got himself dressed. His pants were twisted on sideways, but they were on correctly. My little man is growing up too fast!

And, man alive, does he LOVE that bunkbed. He's constantly on the top bunk, where his little Legos are (and Elise can't reach him). His stuffed animals go up and down with him.

(he's still dry every morning!!)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

2011_04_17 Sunday

Opa arrived today to deliver and construct the 30-year old bunkbed that we've been prepping Jonathan for for some time now. It didn't take very long for us to get it built, and Jonathan was really excited for it. I had forgotten how big the bed is, especially compared to a toddler bed! It eats up a lot of space, but Jonathan is so happy! We went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond earlier in the day to get a mattress pad and new sheets for him, all in an effort to make this the huge deal that it is.

I also took out all the foam flooring from his room. It doesn't really fit anymore. I'm hoping to use it in the basement 'playroom' when we're sure it's dry.

Around 9pm, Jonathan peeked out of his room saying that he wanted his car bed back. When I explained that you can only have one bed and that Opa would have to take the bunkbeds back home with him, Jonathan decided that he could manage with the new bed. And, we've promised the car bed to his babysitter, Andrea.

(PS. another dry night!)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

2011_04_16 Saturday

What a busy day!

Jonathan had Deutscheschule this morning, as usual. They made an Osterhase paperbag and had an Osterei hunt in front of his school. Then we dashed home to make the town Easter egg "hunt," which was a few dozen plastic eggs thrown onto a baseball field. We barely made it last year, so we ran this time and were there for no more than 15 minutes before the event was over. He got a free pizza slice & soda certificate in one of his eggs. And, he shared some with Elise, who enjoyed shaking them like a rattle, and some with kids who didn't get there in time. What a sweet guy.

It started to rain as we walked home and didn't stop until the following day. Good way to test out our French drain and sump pump!

Then we rested so that we were all charged up for Bobby's birthday party at a bounce-town and after-party at their house.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

2011_04_14 Thursday

Jonathan has been dry every morning for the last three days!!!! Is my little boy fully potty trained!? It is super exciting, and I try to make a big deal about it each morning.

Yesterday, he and I made blueberry muffins together. I did all the measuring while he did all the mixing. We shared one for breakfast today; not half bad!

Elise, who slept until 8:30 today(!!), seems to be singing "EIEIO" when I sing Old MacDonald to her. Maybe it's only the right tones, though. She also managed to say "duck" in reference to Jake, the duckling from Oma.

2011_04_12 Tuesday

Last night, Jonathan decided he wanted to go to bed with big boy underwear on, and since he's been dry for three nights (or maybe four?), we agreed. And, lo and behold, the boy was bone dry after 13 hours!!!! He did it!!! So, he asked to have a pancake party. We went to the diner and celebrated and let every person there know what an exciting day it was and why. Jonathan was really proud of himself.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2011_04_13 Wednesday

Today was Jonathan's last day of preschool before Pesach and Easter break. I missed out in attending the school party b/c Elise naps during that time. But, he made a Passover plate and a frog crown. A few days later, his teacher delivered a chalice and 4 plates that he decorated.

Also included are two shots of Elise in Grandpoppy's outfit gift.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

2011_04_09 Saturday

I made Jonathan a cape!! Check out Super Jonathan:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2011_04_05 Tuesday

Guess what's super fun: an infant with pinkeye! Indeed, Elise has pinkeye. She's got eye goop and puffy eyes. Doesn't seem to be too bad, though. Jonathan is calling it yellow eye, which is actually more accurate, since the goop is sort of yellowish. What fun this is. 3 drops in each eye per day for 7 days. She LOVES it, not. And, I'm bracing myself for the rest of us getting it, since it's highly contagious.

Oh, and Jonathan napped for 2+ hours today for the first time that I can remember. Then he woke up sobbing and complaining of a headache, which is generally his go-to when he's upset. But, I gave him a special drink (ie Pedialite) to see if that helped. Later, he said that he misses daddy. poor guy.

Monday, April 4, 2011

2011_04_04 Monday

Jonathan, while fidgeting with his shoes: "Mom, can you help me with the scarecrow?"
Mom: "sure, honey, I can help with you. It's called Velcro, love."

He's also discovering jokes, although so far, his just aren't funny: "knock, knock." "who's there?" "door" "door, who?" "door, sink." what!?!?! But, if I laugh, then he thinks it was a successful and funny joke. Hard to keep a straight face, though.

Elise is officially walking. She's taken a few steps alone, even some caught on YouTube. She's also saying: 'cat,' 'mom,' and 'dad,' and she's making the right intonation for 'all done' while holding her arms up (although not rotating them).

Friday, April 1, 2011

2011_04_01 Friday

Messing with kids (including trying to match Elise's Dirndl with Jonathan's Lederhosen picture):