Sunday, May 29, 2011

2011_05_29 Sunday

Ugh, Jonathan got his first splinter tonight. I'm not sure exactly how it happened. But, as we were getting ready to brush teeth, he fell off the counter and slid past the toilet, coming to rest splat on his back on the tile floor. He was scared and hurt. When I scooped him up, I saw two black lines on his foot along with a little scrape. I'm fairly sure that's where it happened, although he apparently was outside without his flipflops on earlier tonight. Who knows. I carried him into our bathroom, sat him down on our sink, and tried to 'entertain' him -- which failed miserably, and he wailed -- while Dave dug both out. Jonathan thought it was a good idea to put medicine on it, so I dabbed some Neosporin on and flipped his sock over it; should be all set. Today marks our first 'serious' injury.

Prior to that, though, we had a lovely day. Breakfast at the bagel shop. The Js saw Kungfu Panda 2 in 3D; the glasses would not stay on my nose, naturally. A little outside time. Dave installed the a/c units, so the house is quite cool now. Take-out Mexican for dinner. Happy Memorial Day to all!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

2011_05_26 Thursday

I finally got around to taking Elise's one-year old photos (and a few others). Now I just have to print, frame, and hang them...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

2011_05_21 Saturday

Today was Jonathan's graduation from Deutscheschule, and Oma was on hand to see it too. What an experience! We had to sit through all the older kids' performances, most of which were very hard to understand, and their award ceremonies before we got to the little guys (bad planning on their part!). They did a show about "Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen." After that song, I understood very little! :o) But, Jonathan was adorable on stage. He found us right away and waved and winked and sang his little heart much as he could. The lighting was a bit off, so photos are a little dark.

Afterward, we raced home so that we could go to Ali's wedding on the shore. Oma stayed with the babes.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

2011_05_19 Thursday

Happy Birthday, Opa!!

I am brilliant. I gave Elise a spoonful of peanut butter at dinner, and she went to town, smacking her lips and trying to lick it all off. So, I put a sausage bite on the remaining PB on her spoon and she's feeding herself. So long as there's some sticky PB, she can get food in her mouth!

From Jonathan: "Mommy, I have a suggestion for you."
Mom: "oh, yes? what is it?"
J: "A sweatshirt would be beautiful on you."
Mom: tear.

Here are some other recent photos of the kiddies goofing around (Elise really loves headbands, although to eat more than to wear):

Friday, May 13, 2011

2011_05_13 Friday

Dinner is too funny. Elise smashes peas and black beans with her fingers/thumb. She searches her tray for every last one to smash. She thinks it's pretty funny. Sometimes they shoot away from here a la Pretty Woman. And, I sure have a hard time not breaking a smile.

The other thing that is hilarious is that she tries to hide in her high chair:

She's also taken to hiding in the Tupperware cabinet:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2011_05_08 Sunday

Oh today is Mother's Day and my big 3-7. Gotta love it. Jonathan came home from school on Friday with a Mother's Day apron with his handprints. It's adorable. And, someone wonderful sent me a dozen roses and chocolates (well, an empty chocolate box).

The MD Hardwicks had a BBQ at Vicki's place, and they sang me Happy Birthday. Very sweet. Then, we drove back home, with a stop-over at Nana's for dinner. I don't know if it's my age or what, but the drive was exhausting, and I didn't even drive!!!

2011_05_11 Wednesday

After Jonathan got back from school, we went on a new adventure to the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts. They had an exhibit on pirates, although to be honest, most of it was above him. But, we watched Peter Pan last night, and we made a pirate bandana/hat (a la Jack Sparrow), which he refused to wear to the museum although wanted to wear it to school. They did have a lot of Please Touch space, so that was good, and we were the only people there. Afterward, we went across the street for ice cream; funny how I just can't swerve away from Hershey's.

On the way home, Jonathan asked me: "Is this [a bag] symmetrical?" what?! I know they've been talking about caterpillars, crysalises, and butterflies at school. I wonder if symmetry is one of the topics. The other day he told me: "Mom, I love Israel." When I asked him why, he replied: "oh, because it's cold there." ???

Thursday, May 5, 2011

2011_05_04 Wednesday

Today we went to the Morris Museum; what a cute little place. They had a dinosaur exhibit that I wanted to see, but they also had a train room, a stuffed wild animal room, a (luminescent) rock room, an olden day toy room, and a women's hat room. Much of it was 'please touch' too. Jonathan got to punch holes in paper to run it through a music box and push pegs into a very big wheel to make music; he thought both were pretty cool. Of course, we spent a long time at the 'Thomas' train table (that drives me nuts since we have trains at home!).

Elise is definitely walking now. She can stand herself up and take a number of steps before loosing her balance and falling down. She knows to point to what she wants. She also knows, by my facial expressions, not to drop things off her high chair. I've been doing happy/angry faces, and she totally gets it; she likes to play with me. She also seems to enjoy carrying bags around; she's absconded with a very small backpack of Jonathan's and his library book bag. She's not talking much, but she does babble and sing a ton. Over breakfast, she and Jonathan tried out out-sing each other...volume-wise! lucky me. She can do the sign for 'more' although her's is pointing to the palm of an open hand. She was doing 'milk,' although I haven't seen that in awhile. She's wildly excited about 'all done' and flails her arms like a chicken. And, she does 'mom' and 'dad' at will.
The only disappointing thing is that she's an early bird; she's typically up by 7am. And, when I pushed her bedtime back, she woke up earlier (like the sleep bible said would happen.). She's a great sleeper; I just wish she'd wake up closer to 8!! poor me, I know.