Sunday, June 26, 2011

2011_06_26 Sunday

Jonathan and I are working on a world map with drawings in each continent...
J: "mommy, I spy an igloo."
M: "what do you know about igloos?"
J: "nothing"
M: "well, what do you do in an igloo?"
J: "hide from creditors." [meaning: predators]

M: "This is the Sears Tower. that's where Aunt Shannon and Cousin Shawn live."
J: "Oh, in which window?"

OMG, I soooo love Freecycle! I just got a train table with drawers, in great condition!!! It's huge, so it's still in my truck. But, it's going to be awesome once we get it up and going!

Monday, June 20, 2011

2011_06_20 Monday

Today was Jonathan's first day of summer camp/school. For June/July, he'll go four days/week for the mornings. There were new kids today and some of his old classmates weren't there, so it was a little bit of an adjustment. But, they apparently went in "the pool" (I'm guessing a kiddy pool), which made his day. It was pretty exciting. Right after camp, we stopped by Target because he needed a water bottle to leave at school and an undershirt for tie-dying next week. I bumped into a classmate's mom there, and we chatted for a bit.

I'm going to try to visit the Farmer's Market every Monday this summer with $20. Today, Jonathan picked out local and fresh pickles, olives, carrots, bread, lettuce, and an M&M cookie. And, we sampled some gelato. It was fun, albeit a short visit with only $20!! ;o( He cut (with his scissors) the greens off the carrots and started to wash them. Attention spans are still pretty short at nearly-four, so he didn't get through washing them all...or the lettuce at all.

Elise saw the two Brittanys down the street and yelled "dawwwg" after them and blew kisses. She thinks she just spent the week with those two! ha.