Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2011_11_23 Wednesday

How is it possible that I don't watch Elise for a few seconds and she's gotten a container of yogurt smeared across her book, her tray, her sippy cup, and both hands/arms!? She managed to smash through the foil lid too. man, she is quick...and a mess!

Friday, November 11, 2011

2011_11_11 Friday

The three of us were in the car, driving home from the gym, when the clock hit 11:11:11am today. Somehow I feel like I should record that piece of trivia.

Ok, over dinner tonight, Jonathan told us the following:
eeny, miney, meeny, moe.
catch the tiger by his toe.
if he wants to go, let him go.
if his animal friends come, let them all play together.

Elise is signing 'thank you' and saying buckle (which is on her highchair).

We are having a blast with LOUD and quiet. The kids get a big kick out of screaming for a few seconds and then whispering.

Although the day got away from us so we didn't make Laterne this year, we did make Bretzeln. Jonathan was a big help in kneading the dough. He made a "cat bread," which started out as a pizza crust but ended up popping up and looking like a cat. And, we all split the 1 lb of bread for 'dessert.'

Monday, November 7, 2011

2011_11_07 Monday

Today, Elise got her first taste of sit-and-think after she emptied out the pantry of snacks...and left them in a trail around the house. Shortly after that, she gave me the toilet sign and successfully peed on the toilet (her successful 5th time!!). big day for a little lady.