Thursday, January 31, 2013

2013_01_31 Thursday

Elise was dry overnight for the third morning today. She seemed pretty proud. We're going to try Big Girls overnight tonight, just to see if she can do it.

Elise also brought home her first big art project from nursery school. They've been talking about Goldilocks (aka Goldy) and the 3 bears for most of January. She brought home three laminated sheets with chairs (too hard, too soft, just right), beds (too big, too small, just right), and plates (too hot, too cold, just right).

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2013_01_29 Tuesday

I got a call today from the vice principal. Jonathan mooned someone in the cafeteria and got sent to her to discuss. It was hard to keep a straight face, but we (she and I) had a good talk. Apparently, a number of kindergarten boys do this every year; why was it mine, though!?! Apparently, another boy did it first, but J got caught (FWIW, he got in trouble for hitting the same boy in the cafeteria last week.) So, Jonathan and I had a nice, long talk about appropriate behavior and body privacy. He had to write an apology to the VP (and lunch monitor), and he had to wear a belt to school on Wednesday as a reminder that pants must stay up. I also told him that if this happens again, he could get kicked out of the cafeteria. He did not like that idea. Gesh, I really hope our chat sticks. He's having some minor socializing issues (following directions, hitting, now pants).

Friday, January 25, 2013

2013_01_25 Friday

Jonathan lost his first tooth today!! He was on his way to art class when it (allegedly) just popped out of his blood or anything. It did look a little sideways this morning when he left for school, but I thought we'd have until the weekend. He seemed pretty excited about it. Oh, and Elise thinks she's got wiggly teeth too.

Of course, we weren't at home that night, so he was a bit concerned that the tooth fairy wouldn't be able to find him. And, then, I insisted that he not sleep ON the tooth but rather leave it next to his bed, all of which got him more nervous. In the end, he got $5 for that tooth, so rest assured that the fairy will find teeth even if they aren't underneath a pillow. :o)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2013_01_15 Tuesday

Little Missy Elise actually asked a staff person at the gym to take her diaper off so that she could use the toilet! That little lady is sooo done with diapers, at least during the day. I just make sure I have a complete change of clothes when we go out, but so far, she's been terrific. No accidents.

I was invited to J's class yesterday to celebrate his 1/2 birthday (yeah, I forgot about it on Friday!). They performed a get-the-wiggles-out song for me (I think teacher was tired) that was super cute. We had made blueberry/raspberry muffins and fruit skewers as 'Go Foods' that were liked 50/50. And, Jonathan asked me to read Moosetache. I tried to push for Ferdinand, but he didn't buy it. Then, they did a few minutes of stations (legos, animals, connect-os, towers), which was fun for me to watch. I was in for just under an hour, so that was really exciting for me. His classmates are really cuties. Then we blasted off for karate class.

Jonathan had his second karate (it's actually tae quon do) class last night, and I was thrilled to catch the tail end of the teacher's lesson about self control. She mimicked some of the boys (incl. J) who were flailing around and asked if she was controlling herself; they could all see that she wasn't. I don't know if J applied that to his own body, though. But, she tied self control into being at school, at home, in public, etc. That is exactly why 'we' joined the program, and I told her so afterward...and I reported it back to teacher too. :o) Hopefully, we are moving in the right direction.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

2013_01_12 Saturday

Elise was dry overnight!!!! She really had to pee by 8:30, but she made it through the night!! She is such a BIG GIRL!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012_01_08 Tuesday

Elise is absolutely loving school. She doesn't even look back when we get there. She's a hoot. In fact, she's going three days this week so we can get her onto a Tues/Thurs routine. She's also done writing her thank you notes; all that's left is to 'sign' them.

Jonathan is doing great. His tooth is getting wigglier and wigglier. I've got to figure out how to save it when it does fall out. He's working hard on writing his own thank you notes this year. And, there's a red Playmobil dragon (a belated Christmas gift) waiting for him when he's done.

The house is quiet for another hour. Bliss.

Elise is taking a nap in her big girls for the first time. She sat on the potty for awhile beforehand. We'll see how that goes. For the past 30 mins, she's been yelling: "Mommy, my big girls are very, very clean." and "I have a small bottom." and "Mom, I'm not in pull-ups." maybe this was a bad idea....

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013_01_03 Thursday

Today is Elise's first day of school! She woke up to a Schultute of her very own. She even sang something like: "I ammmm gooooing to my Kinnnnndergaaaaarten, errr, KinnnnderGaaaaan, schooool today!" Dave and I dropped her off with hardly a second glace back. She jumped right in, especially once she found a doll house and a kitchen! I was happy to see a few familiar faces from Jonathan's former classmates and their siblings too. The director said she was "Just a burst of sunshine for our classroom !! "

Wow, three hours really flies by. At pick-up, she told me they went on a bear hunt; they sat in a circle for story time about a momma bear, a daddy bear, and a baby bear and a girl with yellow hair (Goldilocks); and she had pretzels and an apple ("my favorite!") for snack. Morah Roz (?) said it was like she's been with the kids the whole year; she fit right in. awww.