Friday, November 21, 2008

2008_11_21 Friday

It seems like Jonathan's typical waking time now is between 9 and 9:30. I love it. We had a leasurely breakfast. He tried Cheerios with milk today, and it seemed to go over fairly well. I may keep at that.

Then we moozied to the library where a friend (Erin) has a singing gig. I was in charge of video-ing the performance so they can put some samples on their website...and the librarian also wants copies for their blog! Plus, we bumped into one of Dave's friend's wife (Tracy) and son (Kyle), AND they're good friends with Erin! what a small world. We may try to do a three-way playdate on a Friday.

Jonathan took a marathon nap in the afternoon. It was tough to get him down, but once he gave up, he slept for a long time! Meanwhile, I browsed around for a few more freelance gigs. He ate "lunch" around 4. Then we drove into town (yes, less than .5 miles) to pick up Dave, but we also got flowers for our dinner party, and then drove straight there. We could have walked, but it's cold, we were running late, and I didn't want to delay getting home afterward since it was going to be late anyway. We had a lovely lamb dinner with my two closest friends, their husbands, and kids. Much better than a night out, IMHO. Home by 9, and possible enough time for a short BlockbusterOnline movie! ah, what a night!

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