Friday, December 19, 2008

2008_12_19 Friday

Guess who woke up with Dave this morning at 6am? not me...well, I did too, but it was Jonathan! So, our day got going sort of early today. We snuggled for about an hour, and then I put him back down and got a couple more minutes of shut-eye. That must have been his morning wakeful time, as he slept until after 11am. We missed our library storytime today! Somehow having breakfast at 11:30 felt strange. I, however, got a ton of freelancing done! 

It started snowing...hard...around 8, and Tino called at 9 to say it was too dangerous for him to come (hmmm). He claims he can be done by Tuesday. I don't believe him. It's stopped now, but we're under about 3-4 inches of dust. It looks pretty out there, so we may go for a walk into town later. 

After 'breakfast,' I cleaned up Tino's tarps, etc, vacuumed the dining room up, and we dumped Jonathan's bin of 'tuuuuuuuck' out to play. Now I really wish I had the basement plan finished since we could leave his toys down there. Oh well. The dining room works well for now.

Have a plumber scheduled for an estimate on Monday to snip the pipes in the den. Because of that, we'll have to postpone finishing the den until 2009. boo hiss. was really hoping to have it done for Christmas. Still need to find two more quotes, but the mom's group has a couple of recs. Also leaned on them (and the utl company) for advice on 'weatherizing/winterizing' this old house. I went around this AM with a candle to see if the outlets are leaky, but didn't see any flame movement (and realized that most of the outlets are on internal walls). Considering sealing windows/doors and insulating the attic (maybe via a blower?).

We ventured out in the snow tonight to pick up Dave from the train station. That was not smart on my part. I knew the temps were fine, but I expected the roads and sidewalks to be prestine (eventhough ours are not). Oh what a fool I was. Pushing the stroller with J2 packed in like a snowman was a stupid move. But, I did mail our Blockbuster movie back. By the time I got to the post office, the freezing rain started! So, I called Dave and told him that he'd probably catch up with us since we needed to head home. His train was late, so we beat him back. I had to have Jonathan walk up our driveway b/c the stroller had no traction at all (and I carried it to the garage). Bottom line: it was nice to be outside, although strollers don't work in snow.

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