Friday, June 19, 2009

2009_06_19 Friday

Today is the first day in memory that didn't have rain! So, we headed to the Reservation for our weekly Stroller Rollers. I was disappointed that no one joined me, but since we were there, I thought I better do it. We started out watching the dogs at the dog park. There were lots of big dogs to enjoy today. Then, Jonathan walked a lot of the path. We saw two turkeys, and he knew what they said once I identified them for him. And, on the way back, I found a tiny snake, which he hissed at. The walk typically takes about 45 mins; this time, it was closer to 90 mins, but it's not like we were in a rush.

Of course, then he napped like a champion. I got over 3 hours from him. That was perfect, since I mopped the entire first floor to get rid of the obvious dust. I was wiped out after that. We finished off a Father's Day present when I got him up. And, then we walked into town to the post office and the bank.

He's talking so much now. I tell him where we are going, and he asks all sorts of questions about our destination and what we pass en route. In the wagon today, he kept asking "what was that?" after each bump.

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