Friday, August 20, 2010

2010_08_20 Friday

I promised Jonathan that we'd go to the 'ball pit' today (read: IKEA). Now that he's potty trained, he can go in. I even called ahead to make sure it was open! I returned some items first, and he was chomping at the bit to get in the pit. So, I signed him in, he kicked off his shoes, and headed in, never once looking back. Since it was a weekday, he got to go for a full hour. Elise and I sat in the cafe, both to spy and for me to read. I only saw him for the last five minutes; I'm not quite sure what he was doing the rest of the time. BUT, when the monitor went to get him, he started bawling because he didn't want to leave. I guess he had fun. We ate lunch at the cafe, watching all the planes land at Newark and the cars on I-95 (no trains this time). He picked out all the FedEx planes. Elise was pretty annoyed with the whole day, so I Bjorned her and pushed an empty stroller through the store. On the down side, their ice cream machine was out, so we couldn't get our $1 cone this time. bummer. On the way home, he told me he "made lots of friends in the pits."

Dave got in EARLY tonight!!! like, 45 mins early. It was awesome. We all jumped in the car and got him no problem, and then we all stayed up until after 9pm to see him.

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