Sunday, February 1, 2009

2009_02_01 Sunday

Jonathan woke up at 7:30 today. that wasn't very nice of him. Poor Dave was up past 3am working, so the JDHs played for awhile to give Dave some down time. Jonathan's appetite seems to have returned with a vengence; he had a full bowl of oatmeal with raisins along with a couple of blueberries and a slice or two of cheese. whew. We played in the new den for a bit too, dumping baskets out and refilling them. I put him back down for a nap around 11.

Was uploading pix from yesterday and have hit a limit with Picasa. So, now I need to figure out what to do. Not sure that any are visible now.

Dave spent the better part of today trying to resolve his work crisis. So, I busied myself with getting rid of a few more boxes from the move and organizing the house a bit. While both were somewhat little items, I sure felt good to get some things put away properly. I also pulled out our nice stereo and hooked it up (successfully, no less!) in the new den. I'm really liking that room a lot, and I spent a little bit actually reading in there.

We went to a pre-Super Bowl party at one of Dave's college buddies' home. We only stayed for about a hour. On the way home, we noticed that Jonathan is starting to string together three syllables, specifically 'big tunnel." That seems to be a pretty big step for our little man. Guess he'll be chattering away soon. I made a quick and easy dinner once we got home, bathed Jonathan and got him ready for bed, and drove Dave to the airport. He called once he landed: uneventful trip.

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