Saturday, April 18, 2009

2009_04_18 Saturday

Today was Shannon's baby shower. The other woman who was involved, Sandy, did 99% of the work. She was incredible. The shower was lovely, and I think Shannon was really happy. She got a ton of things, and I was happy to finally have my car unpacked.

Plus, Raj got a little one-on-one practice with a certain, perfect toddler. Jonathan also got to hang out with Sandy's son, Milan, who he called by name by the end of the shower!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Aunt Shannon's frog continued to intrigue Jonathan. He really liked it when the frog jumped; he'd shout "jumped, jumped" and bend his knees to imitate the jump. Jonathan doesn't leave the ground yet, however. He watched the frog for many minutes at a time, chasing around the little wobbly table the aquarium was on. When the frog hid under the log or a plant, Jonathan would crane his neck and try to squeeze between the wall and the aquarium until he found it. As soon as he was released from his bed he raced to see the frog, first thing.
Jonathan discovered Shannon's wire mesh trash can in her office. He loved to scoot it around like he was driving a car; he even put some toys in it to drive between rooms. We all rolled on the floor laughing (figuratively, of course, because Shannon doesn't roll very well any more) when Jonathan slipped the trashcan over his head and wore it like a knight's suit of armor. It just barely fit over his shoulders so he had to squish them in a bit; he sort of walked like a knight in a suit of armor too, stiff legged and unbending. He knew he was funny but tried to keep a straight face as he made this joke. Funny little guy!
We only had a little time from wake up to the arrival of the first wave of shower planners so Jonathan led Shannon and Oma to the park to occupy Shannon during the party prep. He had discovered the playground on Thursday and every time any outing took a right turn out of Shannon and Raj's driveway, Jonathan yelled "park, park". He's got his mother's innate GPS. He surprised Shannon by zipping down the twirly slide all by himself. We picked dandelions and put them in the garbage can! I wonder where that came from. We noticed Shannon's friends drive by so we decided it was shower-time, but Jonathan wasn't impressed until we asked him if he wanted to see Raj. Then he headed home. Magic word, that Raj.