Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2009_04_29 Wednesday

The contractor, crew, and electricican were here at 8am. Electrician left around 3 and isn't quite done yet. He'll be back tomorrow to finish up. The only real excitement so far is that the flooring in the 'addition' part of the kitchen is a real mess. They'll have to pull it all up and maybe replace the beams as well, all due to water damage. I suspect it's from the leaky refrigerator pooling water in that area. We'll know more tomorrow.

Jonathan had his nature class this morning too. We had to do breakfast on the road, since he slept too long! Today's theme was Arbor Day and trees. We took a nice walk through their forest, did a tree rubbing, made a frame, and got a tree to plant. Then, we stopped for lunch on the way home to stay out of the workers' way. 

For the first time, he pointed out Alanya's house, saying just that. Also, at breakfast, he saw the two candles, called them by name, and then sang "Happy Birthday." Later, at lunch, my sandwich had two toothpicks with yellow crepe paper on the end, and he thought it was a candle and sang again!

Nap time was tough because of all the banging. But, he finally did fall asleep. I'm hoping he's up by 4 because we have a date at the local school playground with two of his buddies: Alanya and Marco!

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